Fantasy Adventures 2.0 is a non-profit site. All the pictures and information on this site is presented for historical research and educational purposes only. All the used and shown images, art, box covers, ads, screenshots, logos and names on these pages are copyrights and trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective owners. To our honest and best of knowledge showing these old images falls under the 'fair use'-category but if you as a copyright holder would like any of the pictures removed we will do so promptly. This site is an "archeological" project to archive, preserve and share the art of games and their history. The site is made by purely out of appreciation and nostalgia to classic computer games and wanting to share information on them so they will be remembered.

Fantasy Adventures 2.0 site design 2001‐2015 and
Fantasy Adventures: The Adventure/RPG Game Museum of Finland curated by Jukka Eronen.
All the Original Medieval Inspired and Ambient Music is copyright © Jukka Eronen. All rights reserved.

Fantasy Adventures 2.0 is part of the Synchonic Web Museum – see other sites in the webring:

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